She Shoots.....
What I want to do with my writing in the coming year
What I want to do with my writing in the coming year
Book determination and A Very Loathsome Video
Saying goodbye to my Little Babe
I feel like I have barely scratched the surface of the story, which is good I guess, seeing as I am aiming for more than 50,000 words at the end of it all.
Rockin’ fuel for NaNo writing
Lurked, innuendo, puking, git!
“Fear makes people do unspeakable things.”
I’ve also learned to never say never…
NaNoWriMo has started. Stuck yet? Read my guest blog for tips on how to rock November!
I’m taking a page of the Pantser book, my friends. As a card-carrying Plotter, this is a revelation.
Wicked, tricksy brain!
Will lit mags vouch for those of us who write about things that go bump in the night?
The story will come from the melding
It’s September and I’m kind of on the fence about it.
My way of saying goodbye to a friend
I wonder how I get anything accomplished without short-circuiting
And not sure when I’ll jump back on…
A poem “found” in The Complete Fairy Tales of The Brothers Grimm
Snipping dead lines and meeting deadlines
Taking time off is tough. Getting back to work – even tougher!
A poem “found” in Lord of the Flies by William Golding
Five things to keep you entertained this weekend
Nothing says Canada like the Trailer Park Boys!
Doing a little mid-week clean-up
A poem “found” in Stephen King’s story
Spring & Summer are made for something lighter and brighter.
The melding of various story-parts
A story that wilts spirits
My writerly exploits this past week
Pondering the Prince of Darkness on display
There is always a lot going on and that’s how I like it
I’ve got an idea that I can’t quite put my finger on…..can you?
Letting the ideas percolate a little while longer…
Are words enough?
Getting to know one of the hardest working writers on the scene!
I’m a magpie. I like sparkly things. And this new idea – she’s all blazing and brilliant right now.
Behind-the-scenes info with Dark Author Barry Napier
The writing life? It’s good, my friends. Plus – free swag, coming soon!
…ate pizza and hit the beach…
The blog in which I prepare to squee
Let’s throw the Muse for a loop, shall we?
Sometimes the Muse is a little disturbed
My latest writerly exploits – and news from my fave writing friends!